Heated Cat Beds

Apr, 28, 2020
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Hey, E here!

So I had never owned a heated cat bed before I got Bobbi, because I had never had such a small cat. Bobbi weighs only about 7 pounds and he is fully grown. When I first got him, I noticed that he was always sleeping curled up in a tight little ball and that his ears were almost always cold. I started doing some research and found out that cats under 10 pounds have trouble regulating their body temperature. So while the rest of my cats were ok, he was still feeling cold in the house. This is when I started investigating heated cat beds.

While I was sure a heated cat bed was the thing that he needed, I was very worried about potential burns or the bed malfunctioning and hurting him in some way. So I read a lot of reviews and information about different products when trying to figure out what to get for Bobbi.

No matter what kind of bed you get for your pet though, you can use a few simple tips to help keep them safe. Once your bed arrives, you can test it. Put a pillow down in the bed and leave it for a couple hours. Come back and feel the bottom of the pillow. It should be warm to the touch but not too hot that it burns your hand. Never place the bed in a confined area where the pet can’t remove themselves from it. If the cat becomes too hot, it needs to be able to get out of the bed. This is very important! The animal needs to be able to remove itself at any time to regulate its body temperature.

I ultimately decided to get a K&H Pet Product heated cat bed for Bobbi. He absolutely loves it and sleeps in it all the time. His ears are nice and warm and he doesn’t sleep in such a tight little ball either. Turns out that my other cats Ralph and Phoebe liked to get into it also. They border the line to need help with body temperature regulation at 10 and 11 pounds. Snowy has no interest in a heated bed at all, as he is a larger cat weighing 15 pounds.

All of my cats are inside cats which is why I chose some of the K&H Thermo-Kitty indoor heated cat bed products. However, they have a full range of products, including outdoor heating and self heating options. I currently have three heated beds which my cats love: 2 Thermo-Kitty Beds and a Thermo-Kitty Cuddle Up.

The small (16 in diameter) Thermo-Kitty Bed was actually the very first bed for Bobbi. It comes in a couple different color combinations and is one of their best selling beds. The cover and cushion are both machine washable making it easy to clean. When unoccupied, the bed surface should remain 10-15 degrees greater than the room temperature. When in use, the bed should heat to your cat’s nature body temperature, around 102 degrees Fahrenheit.

There is also a large (20 in diameter) Thermo-Kitty Bed. This is the second bed that I bought for Ralph and Phoebe. They like to sleep together and this bed is big enough for both of them to get in. I have seen them try to both climb into the smaller bed but they don’t quite fit. I have also seen Bobbi just stretched out by himself in the larger bed.

The Thermo-Kitty Cuddle Up is a shorter version of the Thermo-Kitty Bed, offering the same plush comfort in a low-wall design. It also has a washable cover and same heating element. This bed is great for cat naps and is has easier accessibility. I find both Ralph and Bobbi like to use this bed. It is also the travel bed I use in the car for Bobbi.

I really want to try some of their other products like the Kitty Sill or Thermo-Basket Pet Bed. How are you? Do you have any heated pet beds? What have you tried or want to try? Let me know in the comments!


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