Litter-Robot Review

Apr, 21, 2020
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Hi everyone, A here! Want to know something amazing?

In May 2019, I scooped my last poop. It was glorious. 

Ok so that’s a little bit of an exaggeration. But I’ve barely had a reason to pick up the scoop since buying my Litter-Robot 3 last year. 

Automatic litter boxes have been around for a second. E has had several ScoopFree Automatic Litter Boxes for basically as long as I’ve known her (a testament to their durability) and I was always envious thinking of those every time I had to shovel sh*t. 

So I finally bit the bullet last May and now, nearly a year later, I’m ready to post a review. 

TLDR: I love this litter box. For $50 more, I splurged for the Connect which has WiFi and an app and let me say, who knew litter box analytics would be so interesting? Of course, nothing is perfect and there are some tiny things I don’t love but compared to how much I hate actually scooping poop and changing litter boxes, they’re nothing. 

Anyways, back to the box. Setting it up the first time was a breeze. I pulled it out of the giant box it came in, plugged it in and voila. Connecting it to WiFi was pretty simple but when I moved to a new WiFi network, I had some trouble getting my box to connect again. You have to erase your box and create a new one which was pretty annoying.

My cats took using the the box immediately. I was worried about James, my former feral, the most. She had trouble using the box initially when she came inside so I was afraid she might be intimidated but she had no issues at all. My other girl Leela doesn’t seem to have trouble adjusting to anything ever so this was no exception. 

Don’t forget though, you still have to change the litter box. If you don’t change out a full bag, the box won’t rotate which can be sucky to come home to if that happens while you’re at work. But to change it is as easy as putting a trash bag in a trash can and the app helps you monitor when it’s getting full. 

I use Arm & Hammer Slide litter with the box and that’s been great for us. My two cats share the one box well with no accidents elsewhere. Is Litter-Robot worth the price? I’d say yes, for me, and potentially anyone else with 2 or less cats. If I had more cats and needed more boxes, I’m not sure I’d buy a second Litter-Robot though. It was definitely pricey but it has saved me so much time and hassle. With two cats, it’s been really amazing to always have a clean box for them with minimal effort on my part.

Do you have an automatic litter box? What kind? Sound off in the comments below!

– A


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