Little Words Project Bracelets

Jul, 29, 2023
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Hey, E here to share my new favorite bracelets with y’all. Little Words Project (LWP) makes fun and colorful beaded bracelets with kind and inspiring words on them. Each has a unique code you can use to register it online. As you grow with your word, you may find someone else who needs it more than you do and pass it on to them.

They have some awesome collections, such as the new “It’s a Vibe” drop that I just ordered a new bracelet from. They also offer custom bracelets with your own words or numbers.

They have bracelets for sororities, such as mine pictured below. They also offer bracelets for different causes and fundraising efforts.

My very first bracelet was the ΣΔΤ DAMGIRL bracelet that was sold as a fundraiser for the Sigma Delta Tau Foundation. DAMGIRL is an acronym my sorority uses to remember our founders’ names: Dora Bloom Turteltaub, Amy Apfel Tishman, Marian Gerber Greenberg, Grace Srenco Grossman, Inez Dane Ross, Regene Freund Cohane and Lenore Rubinow. I then ordered the ΣΔΤ bracelet from their sorority collab off their website.

The next two in my collection I got from my local Target. I picked BE HAPPY and VIBING as an uplifting reminder to stay positive throughout my day.

I’ve just started my collection but look forward to ordering more and sharing with others.
Head over to the LWP website to check them out and let me know in the comments which ones you want to pick up!

PS – you can use code BAEPARK to get a discount on your own LWP bracelets