Hey, it’s E here!

I wanted you to meet a very important part of Meows & Makeup, my cats! I have 4 cats total, all with unique personalities. They all enjoy watching birds out the windows and going outside in the stroller. Catnip is one of their favorite treats, along with their cat scratchers.

They also share a birthday on April 12, which we just celebrated. I love to throw a cat birthday party every year to celebrate them turning a year older! They all get along for the most part, with only a few cat fights here and there.

I’m so excited to introduce them to you!


Ralph is named after fashion designer Ralph Lauren, which is his full name. He looks like a Russian Blue cat with his blue coat, silver top coat, and mauve pads. He is 10 years old now. He will always be my #1 man and has been by my side since he was 3 months old. (A also claims him as her #1 man as she has no male pets). He loves to sleep under the covers and will even sleep with his head on the pillow. He is an extremely friendly cat and will greet just about everyone. He will even stand up on his back feet to give “hugs” sometimes.


She is also 10 and was rescued alongside Ralph. Phoebe is named after British fashion designer Phoebe Philo, which is also her full name. She is a stunning calico with cute little white feet. She is my only girl cat and is quite a diva. I affectionately call her the Queen Empress as I am certain that’s how she sees the world around her. She can sometimes be found totally under the covers curled up asleep in my bed, occasionally mistaken for a pillow. She is also very friendly and is overly affectionate towards particular people.


Bobbi is a small brown tabby cat with a short little bob tail. He is named after makeup artist Bobbi Brown, which is again his full name. He looks like a Manx cat with his small size, tall back legs, and round face. He is the youngest at 4 years old and is the biggest momma’s boy. He is such a loving and affectionate cat towards me but hasn’t really come around to anyone else, despite their best efforts. He is a small cat and likes to spend time in his heated bed, which helps him regulate his body temperature.


Snowy is a large solid white cat with blue eyes. He is actually deaf in one ear and can’t tell the direction that sounds are coming from. This is a congenital condition linked to having white fur and blue eyes. He was a stray that already had his ear tipped when I found him. This is from a TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) program. Unfortunately he wasn’t found with a cat colony so we have no idea where he came from as he just showed up one day. He is very talkative and can never get enough pets.


Max is a large black and white cat with green eyes. He is very playful and best friends with Snowy. He is a similar size to Snowy and has the same tipped ear from being TNR’d. Max loves to cuddle and be held on his back like a baby. He warms up quickly to new people and will even stand on his back legs to ask for pets. Max was found outside my house where he had unfortunately been left by a neighbor that moved away. Max loves his life inside now with his kitty siblings!

My cats are my babies and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Follow us on instagram at Five Points Snowy!