Meet Max

Jan, 06, 2023
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E here and I am excited to announce that I have a new addition to my cat family. I wasn’t planning on having any more cats but Max had other ideas.

Meet Max!

I came home to my new house (btw, I have a new house!) one night, to find a large, beautiful black and white cat sitting on my porch. He began to meow at me and beg for attention.

I asked my neighbor if she knew anything about him and found out he had unfortunately been left by a different neighbor when they moved. She had TNR’d him so he could safely be a community cat and had been feeding him outside her house.

But sitting there on my porch, I couldn’t resist and decided to scoop him up and take him inside. I set him up in my guest bedroom, away from my other cats so he could get acclimated. Right from the start, he was the sweetest cat and couldn’t get enough attention.

Max has easily settled into life with the other cats. Somehow he was the perfect missing puzzle piece for our family of cats. Snowy and Max love to play and have become best friends. They run all over the house and because of their similar sizes, can play rougher than the other cats like to. They even have matching ear tips from both being TNR’d.

Max enjoys laying on his back like a baby and will stand up on his back legs for pets. He will also stick his head in the fridge any chance he gets. We feel so lucky to have Max and hope you will enjoy getting to know him!

Max and Snowy

Baby Max
Alabama Max
“Pet Me” Max
December 30, 2022


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