The Best Catnip Toys

Apr, 30, 2020
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Hey everybody, it’s E here!

Some cats absolutely love catnip and others..not so much. It is related to a gene and some cats just don’t have it. Not to fear, there are several alternatives to catnip you can try if this describes your cat. I thought Bobbi was one of those cats. Ralph, Phoebe, and Snowy love catnip and would always start being more playful and rolling around after sniffing it. Bobbi would sniff it and just walk away…until I discovered North American grown catnip.

I actually learned about North American catnip from a Cat Lady Box subscription that my mom got me as a Christmas present. This is a monthly subscription box that delivers 3-4 cat themed items for you and 2 cat toys. The first time Bobbi got one of those cat toys he went nuts kicking it and rolling around. I had never seen him react to a catnip toy like that before. So I had to ask myself, what is the difference?

Turns out the difference is North American-grown catnip. It is more powerful and boy did it pack a punch for the kitties. Not only did Bobbi love it, but the other three reacted even more strongly to it. There are lots of toy options that have North American-grown catnip, you just need to read the label. I have also found that many smaller operations will specialize in making these kinds of toys.

I now only buy North American-grown catnip for my cats. They definitely love it more and Bobbi is included in the fun. I’ve found some fun toys, mats with catnip inside for laying on, as well as loose catnip that my cats all enjoy. Plus they still get two new toys every month from my Cat Lady Box subscription! Those are some of my favorite toys as they are super cute. You can order some of the catnip toys from previous boxes (plus other products) from their website too!

Do your cats like catnip? What are their favorite toys? Let me know in the comments below!


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